You've got a friend in me.

I don't know the real situation but I'm just saying~
For me, it really doesn't matter if you're the next most popular kid in college knowing everybody's name,
or whether you're that hot chic everybody talks about,
or even the nerdiest nerd of all time working with calculators full time in the library,
alone because you feel like nobody fits you as a friend,
It doesn't matter if you don't laugh when a group of friends is laughin' at somethin'
not funny to you,
And it doesn't matter even if you say a million times you're different from everybody
and that nobody gets you,
Or even do things differently to show why you don't get along well with people.

It doesn't matter at all.

Cause you're a friend that's hard to find regardless on whether you're a normal or different
person living an ordinary or extraordinary life.

And that you've got a friend in me. =)

p.s. For a friend who probably won't read this. I don't mean anythin' hurtful~ I'm just saying
you're different already by not being different. =P

p.p.s. I guess the world is full of good-hearted and cruel people after all.

Live, laugh, love,