The price of an iPad mini, Google Nexus 7 in Malaysia?

Take a look at the Apple products in the US Apple Store :

iPod Touch (32GB) - USD $299

iPad mini (16GB WiFi only) - USD $329

iPad 2 (16GB WiFi only) - USD $399

Malaysia :

iPod Touch (32GB) - RM 1049

iPad mini (16GB WiFi only) - RM 1099/RM 1149?

iPad 2 (16GB WiFi only) - RM1199

The iPad mini has to be a little tud more expensive than the Touch, at the same time being cheaper than the bigger sized iPad 2. At the current pricing in Malaysia, the iPod Touch is going to push the price of iPad mini up too close to the iPad 2, with just RM50 difference for a smaller/bigger screen? It's hard to differentiate the products then.

Only an approximate USD $20 difference between iPad mini and iPad 2?

What about the Nexus 7?

Google just unveiled a 16GB Nexus 7 with a price of USD $199.

In Malaysia?

Google Nexus 7 16GB WiFi only is priced at RM 999 in stores. The iPad mini will surely gobble up the sales of this Nexus if it's kept at this price. I'm seeing a price drop to RM699 the very least in Malaysia after a few months.

Nexus 7 still looks sleek.

Anyone getting a Nexus 7? Nexus 32GB with cellular? Waiting for the smaller iPad instead? Do like, comment and share your thoughts! :)